The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins
Recently my husband and I went to see Phish in Cancun, Mexico. On the third night, I agreed to make Jeff very happy by going in very close to stage. To get one of these coveted spots, we had to get to the venue and grab our small plot of sand 90 minutes before the show. What I love about this plan, was that you get to meet interesting people while waiting, and you have plenty of time to talk. We met this couple from Alabama and the wife asked me to take a picture with her husband, as it was her 40th birthday. She was a little tipsy and as I was handing her back her phone she said, “Let Them.” I said, “Excuse me?” She said, “The Let Them Theory” by Mel Robbins. It is life changing! My mom and I both thought so.” I guess in the middle of a Phish show, I stuck out as a 61-year-old book lover, and I’m proud of it. She was not offering me a hit from a joint, or shot of tequila. She was offering me a book title! The irony is that I had already downloaded the book on my tablet to read by my favorite infinity pool across from Joe’s Deck restaurant at Moon Palace. I’m here to say the book is life-changing just as my Phish friend from Alabama suggested. Smart, innovative and really wise, this book is like no other self-help book I have ever read. The reason it stands out is that Robbins gives messy, uncomfortable and even cringe-worthy examples from her own life, and the lives of her friends and family, to make her points. And that is why this material is resonating with so many people. This book is honest because in a world of successful, slender, wealthy beautiful people, life is messy and out of our control. Robbins herself was once out of work and $800,000 in debt, while her husband’s career was tanking, too. But she found a way to make her plight serve her. She has written other books promoting her brand, but this book is perhaps a winner because it taps into the heart of people who are both winning and losing. Are you happy? Let them envy you and help them. Are you unhappy? Fine a way to make them let you back in. Do you want to be more driven? Let them be your source of inspiration. Are you down on your luck and need a lift up? Fine a way to let them lift you up. Stop worrying about what other people think, and forge your own path triumphantly. So many podcasters, authors and self-help mentors start out interesting at first, and dim over time. But I am here to tell you that Mel Robbin’s star is rising, and if you want to read a book that will shake up your life, read “The Let Them Theory.” To buy this book on Amazon click here