No Crying in Baseball by Erin Carlson

The movie "A League of Their Own" was released in 2008, and is today the highest grossing baseball movie of all time. I had somewhat of an insider's view of the movie, since my aunt Penny directed the film, and my two cousins, sister and father appeared in the movie. When I heard my sister was interviewed for this book, I asked her "Is it any good?" And she said "Riveting." So, I said "Hand it over." And I began to read about the making of the movie shot in Chicago and Evansville, Indiana. The details are fascinating. Penny liked to sip sake after work, while Madonna asked for Evian in glass bottles, not plastic ones. Geena Davis replaced Debra Winger, who got paid $3 million not to do the movie. Apparently she did not approve of the casting of Madonna. Lori Petty, who played Dottie's sister, worried she would be fired because she looked like Winger and not Davis, but they had no intention of firing her. The cast and crew hung out at a gay/drag bar in their off hours and danced the night away. Rosie O'Donell and Madonna became fast friends, as they were both named after their mothers who died young of breast cancer. Penny shot so much film, nearly 12,000 feet a day, that Kodak came to the set and threw her a party with lobster. If you are a fan of "A League of Their Own," or just like a revealing and well-researched book about a classic movie, this is the book for you. Well done @erinleighcarlson. Always love seeing Pop playing candy mogul Walter Harvey. To buy this book on Amazon click here.