Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson
If you are like me, finding yourself missing the television show "Succession," let me introduce you to Jenny Jackson's "Pineapple Street." The story centers around the Stockton family, a group of old money New Yorkers centered in Brooklyn Heights. Some are married, some are not. Some have children, others do not. Some are likable and others are certainly not. The common thread holding them all together is that they are all downright quirky people. Like "Succession," they have money but that does not prevent them from being eccentric and bohemian, and that's the fun of the book. As their helicopter parents, Chip and Tilda, hover over their every move, the adult children Darley, Cord and Georgiana struggle with how to view their inherited wealth, as a friend or enemy. Should they follow their parents' example and embrace being the one percent? Or should they perhaps carve out a different path for themselves, despite their money. Families are messy and the Stocktons are no different. Looking for a read to distract your thoughts from your own family's stress this summer? "Pineapple Street" is the book for you. Take it to the beach. Take it on the airplane. Or just take it outside and read it in the sun, like I did. To buy this book on Amazon click here.