Every Family Has a Story by Julia Samuel

My friend Noelle now lives in London, and we try to talk on What's App every other Wednesday. One day she recommended this book, "Every Family Has a Story" by Julia Samuel. A bestselling psychotherapist in London, Samuel shares eight case studies of multi-generational families she has worked with over the years in her practice. What makes her therapy so fascinating is that she doesn't just meet with the family members individually. On the contrary, she brings them all together into group sessions, to try to teach them how to work together. The work is uncomfortable and messy for almost everyone involved. The issues in these families range from suicide and alcoholism, to same-sex couple adoption, to questions of paternity. What becomes quickly apparent is that family members often put up big road blocks to prevent them from working out their issues. Samuel  teaches them how to untangle their own wicked webs. She encourages open communication, setting boundaries, allocating time for fun, allowing change, and turning habits into rituals. I've never met a family who didn't have an issue, but after reading this book I came away with a new appreciation for how to bring about change. An excellent read for anyone interested in cracking a complex family issue or just a good read and glimpse into families trying to get along better. To buy this book on Amazon click here.